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About us

Innoventus Sør is a regional innovation company, Siva incubator (The Industrial Development Corporation of Norway), Forny agent that represents Southern Norway.

Our vision is to be a driving force for tomorrow’s value creation, by helping to establish, develop and preserve jobs in the region. The company works actively with entrepreneurs, business people, government agencies, academic and research institutions, with the aim to create sustainable solutions for the future. Our business mission is to contribute to the commercialisation of innovative ideas that provide growth and employment.

We are a non-profit organisation that makes a difference for creators of new ideas by challenging and supporting them, in order to commercialise their ideas.

Our values describe how we should exercise our role in encounters with others and in our communication in general. We must be committed, opportunity-oriented, inclusive and reliable.

Non-profit player

  • We provide objective advice, connect the right expertise, partners and financial supporters to the companies.

  • We are placed together with several players in innovation and entrepreneurship.





Tom Nysted

Chairman of the Board of Innoventus Sør AS

«Innoventus Sør has taken and is holding an important position as an innovation company in the Agder county and nationally. Our company has built up a unique organisation and a national network with solid experience and knowledge to be able to contribute to entrepreneurship of innovators succeeding in starting and building new business.

Innoventus Sør is an important player in the interaction between the private and public sectors. The company’s knowledge and handling of existing instruments is of great help both for business founders who start new companies, and for existing companies in the process of their restructuring or working with innovation projects.

The company’s employees have developed an impressive, dynamic and motivating culture that Agder county, SIVA, as well as the national government agencies, have shown to value highly. Integrity, knowledge and broad experience in development and innovation work characterise the organisation’s culture.

With good results and a large project portfolio during an intense restructuring period, Innoventus Sør will be an important and necessary contributor to the industrial restructuring we now have to go through. With the United Nations’ sustainability goals as a guideline, the skilled employees in Innoventus Sør will be the central players for innovation in Kristiansand, Arendal and Grimstad, as well as in the rest of Agder. In collaboration with the county, SIVA, University of Agder (UiA), the company Innovation Norway, the Research Council of Norway and the rest of the national policy institutions, we are well equipped for future innovation processes.»

Our owners

Siva – The Industrial Development Corporation of Norway

Municipality of Agder County

J.B. Ugland Venture AS

Aust-Agder Næringsselskap AS

Arendal municipality

Sparebanken Sør

Kristiansand municipality

HRM Consult AS

Ericsson AS

Grimstad municipality

Agder Energi AS

Skeie Group AS

The Board

Tom Nysted, Chairman of the Board

Former CEO of Agder Energi

Anne Torunn Hvideberg

Tvedestrand municipality

Bjørn-Tore Flåten

University of Agder

Carina Ugland

Ugland Holding

Cristina Santos


Gry Jorunn Moen

Sparebanken Sør

Erik Tønnesen

Skagerak Maturo

Etiske retningslinjer

Innoventus Sør forvalter offentlige midler for å bidra til kommersialisering av nyskapende idéer som gir vekst og sysselsetting.

Selskapet skal være en ansvarlig og pålitelig samfunnsaktør som møter offentlige myndigheter, organisasjoner og andre samarbeidspartnere på en korrekt og åpen måte. Balansegangen mellom positiv nettverksbygging, fortrolighet, habilitet og god etikk er en spesielt viktig i Innoventus Sør sitt miljø hvor sunn kommersiell forretningskultur skal tilstrebes.

De etiske retningslinjer angir en ramme for medarbeideres adferd og er selskapets minimumsforventning til ansatte i Innoventus Sør.


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